H5: Exposure to transport noise

Short Description

This indicator will track changes in the exposure of people to noise from transportation sources. It does not include neighbour and neighbourhood noise. The indicator will show the estimated number of people exposed to noise levels (in 5 decibel bands) from the most significant road, rail and air sources. Health costs (and hence burden to the economy) of noise can be estimated from health outcomes associated with noise exposure (such as annoyance, sleep disturbance, and cardiovascular effects). The available data being explored for this indicator’s development are currently derived through strategic noise mapping undertaken at 5-year intervals. In the future, data will be derived from Defra’s new noise modelling system.

Readiness and links to data

This indicator is not available for reporting in 2023 as the model for producing this data is in development as part of a wider programme of work. Prototype development began in 2021, focussing initially on a small-scale geographical pilot to refine technical approach before subsequent expansion to full-scale national level modelling. Data for noise exposure are published.

Indicator Metadata