Mitigating and adapting to climate change

The summary Figure shows the proportion of indicator components for which ‘Mitigating and adapting to climate change’ is the primary goal that have been assigned to each assessment category, with the exact number of indicator components shown as a label on the bars.

Both indicators with this goal, A2 Emissions of greenhouse gases from natural resources in England and J1 Consumption based greenhouse gas emissions in England showed an improvement over all 3 assessed time periods. The inclusion of this assessment is based on the individual indicators with a relevant primary goal; additional valuable insights can be understood by considering the holistic relevance of additional indicators, as many will be sensitive to the issue of climate change. The first Outcome Indicator Framework report (published in 2019) lists a sub-selection of indicators which are expected to give some indication of progress on adaptation, the need for adaptation or the resilience of natural assets to climate change. Future assessments of the Outcome Indicator Framework will continue to consider how best to derive inferences of progress to aid in understanding progress of the 25 Year Environment Plan.

Summary of assessment results - Mitigating and adapting to climate change

Assessment results - Mitigating and adapting to climate change

Indicator component assessed Short term Medium term Long term
A2 Emissions of greenhouse gases from natural resources in England (net total) Improvement Improvement Improvement
J1 Consumption based greenhouse gas emissions in England (total) Improvement Improvement Improvement

Potential links - Mitigating and adapting to climate change

Potential links - Mitigating and adapting to climate change

Primary goal From Indicator To Indicator Correlation Rationale
Mitigating and adapting to climate change D3 Area of woodland in England A2 Emissions of greenhouse gases from natural resources Negative A2 includes negative emissions values from a forestry sink.
Mitigating and adapting to climate change E2 Volume of agricultural production A2 Emissions of greenhouse gases from natural resources Positive A2 includes greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture as a component in the graph (approximately 30% of total emissions).
Mitigating and adapting to climate change E3 Volume of inputs used in agricultural production A2 Emissions of greenhouse gases from natural resources Positive A2 includes greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture as a component in the graph ( approximately 30% of total emissions). This includes emissions from the use of agricultural inputs.
Mitigating and adapting to climate change J2 Raw material consumption J1 Carbon footprint and consumer buying choices Positive Raw materials are used in the production of goods measured by J1.
Mitigating and adapting to climate change G6 Environmental attitudes and behaviours J1 Carbon footprint and consumer buying choices Positive G6 will include information on people’s self-reported environmental behaviours, likely including questions on behaviours related to carbon use.