Enhancing biosecurity

The summary Figure shows the proportion of indicator components for which ‘Enhancing biosecurity’ is the primary goal that have been assigned to each assessment category, with the exact number of indicator components shown as a label on the bars.

There are 2 indicators comprising of 4 components in total with this primary goal. Indicator H1 (Abatement of the number of invasive non-native species entering and establishing against a baseline) reports one cumulative data point for each 10-year period included within the indicator, so it is only possible to assess long-term trends as there are insufficient data points to establish trends over shorter time periods. H1 showed a deterioration for freshwater, marine and terrestrial ecosystems over the long term. In contrast, indicator H2 (Distribution of invasive non-native species and plant pests and diseases) showed an improvement over the short, medium and long-term assessment periods.

Summary of assessment results - Enhancing biosecurity

Assessment results - Enhancing biosecurity

Indicator component assessed Short term Medium term Long term
H1 Number of invasive non-native species established across or along 10% or more of the land area or coastline of Great Britain (freshwater) Not assessed Not assessed Deterioration
H1 Number of invasive non-native species established across or along 10% or more of the land area or coastline of Great Britain (marine) Not assessed Not assessed Deterioration
H1 Number of invasive non-native species established across or along 10% or more of the land area or coastline of Great Britain (terrestrial) Not assessed Not assessed Deterioration
H2 Number of additional tree pests and diseases becoming established in England Improvement Improvement Improvement

Potential links - Enhancing biosecurity

Potential links - Enhancing biosecurity

Primary goal From Indicator To Indicator Correlation Rationale
Enhancing biosecurity H1 Abatement of the number of invasive non-native species entering and establishing against a baseline D4 Relative abundance and distribution of widespread species Positive The H1 indicator contains 193 non-native species that are considered to be exerting a negative impact on native biodiversity.
Enhancing biosecurity H1 Abatement of the number of invasive non-native species entering and establishing against a baseline D5 Conservation status of our native species Positive The H1 indicator contains 193 non-native species that are considered to be exerting a negative impact on native biodiversity.
Enhancing biosecurity H1 Abatement of the number of invasive non-native species entering and establishing against a baseline D6 Abundance and distribution of priority species in England Positive The H1 indicator contains 193 non-native species that are considered to be exerting a negative impact on native biodiversity.
Enhancing biosecurity H1 Abatement of the number of invasive non-native species entering and establishing against a baseline D7 Species supporting ecosystem functions Positive The H1 indicator contains 193 non-native species that are considered to be exerting a negative impact on native biodiversity.
Enhancing biosecurity H2 Distribution of invasive non-native species and plant pests and diseases D4 Relative abundance and distribution of widespread species Negative Preventing the spread of invasive non-native species limits their ability to disrupt ecosystems.
Enhancing biosecurity H2 Distribution of invasive non-native species and plant pests and diseases D5 Conservation status of our native species Negative Preventing the spread of invasive non-native species limits their ability to disrupt ecosystems.
Enhancing biosecurity H2 Distribution of invasive non-native species and plant pests and diseases D6 Abundance and distribution of priority species in England Negative Preventing the spread of invasive non-native species limits their ability to disrupt ecosystems.
Enhancing biosecurity H2 Distribution of invasive non-native species and plant pests and diseases D7 Species supporting ecosystem functions Negative Preventing the spread of invasive non-native species limits their ability to disrupt ecosystems.
Enhancing biosecurity H2 Distribution of invasive non-native species and plant pests and diseases E2 Volume of agricultural production Negative H2 includes tree pests that affect crops, such as Sweet chestnut blight.