G5: People engaged in social action for the environment

Short Description

Social action is about people coming together to help improve their lives and solve the problems that are important in their communities. It can broadly be defined as practical action in the service of others, which is (i) carried out by individuals or groups of people working together, (ii) not mandated and not for profit, (iii) done for the good of others – individuals, communities and/or society, and (iv) bringing about social change and or value.

Multiple measurements will be used within this indicator as indicative of social actions which people can take to care for and restore the environment.

Readiness and links to data

This indicator is not available for reporting in 2024 in a finalised form. An interim indicator is provided here that presents data from 3 sources:

1) The England Biodiversity Indicators which show volunteer time spent on activities of benefit to the natural environment in England.

2) Natural England’s nationally representative People and Nature Survey (PANS) which show adults’ self-reported social action for the environment. PANS began collecting data on an on-going basis from 2 April 2020.

3) Natural England’s nationally representative Children’s People and Nature Survey (C-PANS) which show children’s self-reported social action for the environment. C-PANS collects data twice yearly (beginning in 2021), once during school holiday-time and once in term-time.

More information on PANS and C-PANS methods, outputs and the full questionnaires, are available on the PANS homepage.

Summary data for G5b and G5c are available in the Statistics and technical details for 2024 national indicators publication.

Notes on indicator

The children’s social action index is not directly comparable to the adults’ index due to the use of different social action statements and a simplified response scale that does not allow for weighting of actions based on their commonality.

The adults’ and children’s social action indices presented here in G5b and G5c measure how people come together to build capacity and act as communities to make changes that benefit the environment. In contrast, the adults’ and children’s pro-environmental behaviours indices presented in G6b and G6d are based on the actions of individuals themselves to directly benefit the environment.

Indicator components

Figure G5a: Volunteer time spent on the natural environment in England, 2000 to 2021

Table G5a: Volunteer time spent on the natural environment in England, 2000 to 2021

Year Value
2000 100.00
2001 88.13
2002 107.25
2003 107.99
2004 112.99
2005 119.85
2006 115.96
2007 134.50
2008 126.26
2009 128.90
2010 132.11
2011 142.22
2012 127.73
2013 128.46
2014 128.10
2015 129.62
2016 135.20
2017 140.28
2018 148.63
2019 141.47
2020 66.36
2021 126.62

Trend description for G5a

Between 2000 and 2019, the index of the amount of time contributed by environmental volunteers in England fluctuated, but, overall, it increased by 41%. The index then fell sharply in 2020 due to the impacts of COVID-19 restrictions. While it showed considerable recovery in 2021, the index has not yet returned to its pre-COVID-19 levels, and this is likely to be due to the impacts of further COVID-19 restrictions in the first 6 months of that year. Across the whole time series (from 2000 to 2021), the environmental volunteering index for England has increased by 27%.

Assessment of change

There has been an increase (improvement) in the amount of time contributed by environmental volunteers in England over the long-term assessment period. This is in contrast to the decreases (deteriorations) observed over the short and medium term; however, these decreases are driven by reductions in 2020 and 2021 due to the impacts of COVID-19 restrictions.

Change since 2018 has also been assessed. A decrease (deterioration) in volunteer time spent on the natural environment was observed since 2018. However, this is based on only 4 data points and volunteering in 2020 and 2021 was heavily impacted by COVID-19 restrictions so should be considered as indicative and not evidence of a clear trend.

The assessment results reported here are not directly comparable with other analyses published elsewhere that use different methodologies to explore this indicator component.

Further information on this assessment, along with details on the methodology, is provided in the Assessment background page. Summaries by 25 Year Environment Plan goal and information on indicator links are presented in the Assessment results pages.

Table G5a: Assessment of change

Component Period Date range Percentage change Smoothing function Assessment of change
G5a Short term 2015 to 2020 -13.45 Loess Deterioration
G5a Medium term 2010 to 2020 -11.86 Loess Deterioration
G5a Long term 2000 to 2020 25.22 Loess Improvement

Note that assessment categories for the short, medium and long term were assigned based on smoothed data, so percentage change figures in Table G5 may differ from unsmoothed values quoted elsewhere. Percentage change refers to the difference seen from the first to last year in the specified date range.

Figure G5b: Adults' social action score as an index from 0 to 100, England, survey years 2020/2021 to 2022/2023

Table G5b: Adults' social action score as an index from 0 to 100, England, survey years 2020/2021 to 2022/2023

Year Value
2020/2021 33.98
2021/2022 35.70
2022/2023 35.39

Trend description for G5b

PANS results cannot yet show yearly trends. However, data show that in 2022/2023 adults on average scored 35 out of 100 on an index of no social action taken for the environment (0) to high engagement with social action for the environment (100). This figure is similar to the index scores reported for 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 (34 and 36 respectively; however, it is not possible to equate these results to an equivalent number of social actions because of the different weightings applied to each of the actions within this measure.).

Assessment of change

No assessment of change was undertaken for this indicator as a suitable time series is not yet available in the Outcome Indicator Framework.

Figure G5c: Children's social action score as an index from 0 to 100, England, survey years 2021 to 2023

Table G5c: Children's social action score as an index from 0 to 100, England, survey years 2021 to 2023

Year Value
2021 12.69
2022 12.39
2023 14.42

Trend description for G5c

C-PANS results cannot yet show yearly trends. However, data show that in 2023, children on average scored 14 out of 100 on an index of no social action taken for the environment (0) to high engagement with social action for the environment (100). This result is similar to the index scores reported for 2021 and 2022 (13 and 12 respectively) and on average, roughly equates to every second child carrying out any one of the 4 social actions included within this measure.

Assessment of change

No assessment of change was undertaken for this indicator as a suitable time series is not yet available in the Outcome Indicator Framework.

Indicator Metadata