Reducing the risks of harm from environmental hazards

While all 3 indicators with the primary goal of ‘Reducing the risks of harm from environmental hazards’ are now interim, none have sufficient data points to allow an assessment across any of the time periods considered within the Outcome Indicator Framework. These indicators will be assessed in future years when suitable data series become available.

Potential links - Reducing the risks of harm from environmental hazards

Potential links - Reducing the risks of harm from environmental hazards

Primary goal From Indicator To Indicator Correlation Rationale
Reducing the risks of harm from environmental hazards F2 Communities resilient to flooding or coastal erosion F1 Disruption or unwanted impacts from flooding or coastal erosion Negative Resilience reduces the disruption caused by flooding and coastal erosion.
Reducing the risks of harm from environmental hazards B6 Natural functions of water and wetland ecosystems F1 Disruption or unwanted impacts from flooding or coastal erosion Negative Restoring natural functions to wetland ecosystems contributes to enhancing ecosystem services such as the provision of clean water and flood regulation.
Reducing the risks of harm from environmental hazards E7 Soil health F1 Disruption or unwanted impacts from flooding or coastal erosion Negative Healthy soils underpin the multiple functions of soils in regulating water
Reducing the risks of harm from environmental hazards E8 Sustainable use of water F3 Disruption or unwanted impacts caused by drought Negative Reducing water consumption and leakage will mitigate the impacts of drought.